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Thursday, February 7, 2008

This election is even catching my daughter's interest


We were on our way to school this am, when the radio barked out that Hilary (I guess Bill took a pass) was arriving in Seattle at 8 pm tonight.

"Oh, I wish we could go to that," she said, while texting a friend she's going to see in 5 minutes at school.

Logistics say this isn't going to happen unless I left work, like now. First, it takes 45 minutes to get to Auburn, then would prob. take another 45 min. to an hour to get into Seattle. Never mind finding parking in the maw of cars that's guaranteed to be around the piers tonight. So sorry, Hilary, we're likely to vote for you, but no, we're not willing to sit in traffic for you.

J. then noted that Obama was arriving tomorrow.

About 2/3 of our class (meaning her home room class of 35 kids) are voting for him, she informed me.

And the other third?

Hilary, she said dismissively. And yes, she's part of that third.

"Oh, and Sean said he was voting for Huckabee (he's still in the race?)," J. said. "We all booed him."


Krista said...

I hope you told her that even if she disagrees with someones choices it's not polite to "boo" them. It's called respect and we could do with a lot more of it in this country. The kids has guts to be the only one not voting for a democrat in his class.

Barbara Clements said...

I think, Krista, it was more good natured ribbing than scorn. But you never know with 14-year-olds. I'll ask.

And the kid does have guts to not keep quiet about his opinions, or as I suspect, his parent's opinions.

It reminds me (and this will date me) of the time when Nixon and Johnson were running against each other. Most of the class was for Nixon in my little New Mexico school. We gave the Johnson supporter a hard time too. And no, we weren't nice about it.


Barbara Clements said...

Okay, that didn't seem right.

Try Nixon against Humphrey (Johnson had just left office).,_1968

MommyCheryl said...

OK, call me crazy but ... I don't think there is anything wrong with the kids booing -- provided it wasn't followed by shunning him later. (In fact, I'd hope some kids reached out to him later to let him know it's not personal.) Geez, if booing is out of bounds, the whole British Parliament needs a time out.

"Politically correct" behavior would be to just be quiet, I suppose. But politics are supposed to arouse passion. And sometimes passion is expressed as a chorus of boos. It's good for this kid to get used to people disagreeing with him -- it's a fantastic life skill that will serve him well later. I remember well being the one who was "booed" at 14 for my presidential pick. It made me a firmer supporter of my guy -- and made me hit the newspapers harder to find support.

I'd hate to live in a world where we always have to be so polite and restrained that there's no place for a well-placed "boo." Then they can go have a smoothie together and talk about religion. ;-)

Barbara Clements said...

I checked with Jennifer. Sean's still in the "in" crowd, despite his support of Huckabee. Tolerate group for 14.

When Hilary showed up in Tacoma today, i had to tell my disappointed daughter that no, I couldn't take her to see her new idol. I had to teach a computer training class, and there was no way out of it.

I wonder if I'll regret this as missing a you-where-there moment if Hilary becomes pres...or even if she doesn't. I do plan on taking her to the caucus tomorrow tho, to see bare knuckles democracy in action.

I wonder if there will be any booing?

MommyCheryl said...

Ah, yes. The joys of being able to actually caucus! It's fun and stimulating and totally stupid because a primary allows many more people to participate. But c'est la vie!

Barbara Clements said...

I checked in further with J. about Huckabee guy. Apparently the reason Sean's not getting grief is there is a weird McCain boy who picks his nose. So they all pick on him. Sean, it seems, is safe for now.

MommyCheryl said...


(You can pick your candidateand you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your candidate's nose.