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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Any Parent of a Middle School Girl Should Watch This

Was just reading the Seattle Times this morning, and came across this blip for a documentary that follows some teenage girls, about a dozen of them, from 2002-2006 in Overland Park, Kan.

But in reading the story, it looks like the place could have been anywhere USA.

Here is the direct link to WE. So the documentary starts Monday at 10 pm (past my bedtime) on the WE or Women's Entertainment network.

I loved the lead by Jacqueline Cultler of ZapZit.

As teenagers enter high school, traces of the girls they were linger. Some
teeth have braces, and faces are rounder and clean of makeup. Four years later,
those traces and braces are gone. Their faces are more adult and defined, and
their eyes are rimmed with too much eyeliner.

So Tivo it if you have to, and it's worth the eight hour commitment (my daughter is frowning at me as I write this, afraid, I think , I might find out a few of her secrets.)

1 comment:

Barbara Clements said...

I did watch this first episode, and it was funny, at first J. didn't want to watch, but then wouldn't let me click off of it. Next episode is Monday, following 2 other girls through 4 years of high school.