First off, we watched this post on a friend's blog tonight and just laughed! B-word, the new black. It's a Tina Fey SNL skit on Hillary.
Which brings us to the new black under my roof. J. took a career/skills test at school, and came out with high marks in science, leadership and persuasion. And assertiveness. Not so much on accommodating skills however.
"A bit bossy, huh?" I laughed.
"I am not!" she said.
I pointed out this was a good thing, referring to the "the new black."
YES! Tell her to claim her "bossiness" (or whatever b-wordiness she prefers)! Women need to get over wanting to be liked by everyone all the time. I have hope that her generation gets this.
Her dad was encouraging her to do the same thing.
"It's a good thing you're ranked high in leadership skills," he told her.
She just shrugged, and started to argue with usual.
"She challenges everything I say," he said later.
Welcome to my world.
Later, she tells me tho, that she convinced 3 of her pals at school that Hillary was a better choice than Obama. Future political operative?
LOL. Political operative my tushie! Where do I sign up for the Jennifer for President 2032 exploratory committee?
Seriously, I know it must be irritating at times to be constantly challenged. And yet, it's a sign that you've done your job well so far. Because she's a thinker, not a mindless sheep who will go along with groupthink. Except, of course, when it comes to whatever ungodly fads her generation probably has up their sleeves...
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