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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Packages are unwrapped, J taking a milk bath, like Cleopatra

You read this right.

All the packages are unwrapped, and although few yielded surprises (she picked them out herself), J still is gleaning the gifts, as she unwrapped a few from grandma today, and I bought her a book tonight. I figured, why not, so I bought her a book - 1000 things you can do to make yourself more beautiful and cool, or something that. So she quickly flipped it open, and read about Cleo taking milk baths.

So right now, I'm hearing the plumbing roaring with water in her bathroom, as she packed in 2 pints of milk. Now her complexion is perfect as far as I can tell, but oh well, as long as she's reading, I'm paying.

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