On the way home from the mall, Jennifer pleaded: comm'on,just let me try before I have to drive with dad.
Okay, okay. So we found an industrial parking lot off the West Valley Highway, and she had her first lesson on driving a clutch. We killed the car about 5 or 6 times, before she got to actually point it in the right direction and make it go a few feet, before it died again. But on that happy note, I figured she was ready to try with Gary.
So fast forward when we went out to Ivar's tonight. Gary immediately noticed the driver's side seat was cranked forward, and he'd lost the claim to being the "first" to teach Jennifer. No matter, he drove into the elementary school parking lot to give her lesson #2.
Actually, it went pretty well. He told her out to adjust the mirrors (I'd forgotten that) and how to turn on the blinkers (um, didn't tell her about that either). And then he taught her reverse, which I'd skipped too. But I think getting to get the car to go ANY direction was a boost to her confidence, because she was actually able to get the honda civic to go forward, around and around at 8mph before killing it a few more times for good measure.
Gary did well, better than expected actually. And Jennifer can't wait for the next lesson...with dad.
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