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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Motherhood in the US

It was with a nodding head that I read this report today about the US ranking low in the motherhood score released today. My best friend lives in Denmark, which is near the top of the survey and when Jennifer was young, I tried not to think about how Dawn got a year off with pay, and her job guaranteed when she returned. Oh, and she was also certain of a slot in a high-quality daycare where most of the employees are paid very well, respected and all have masters degrees in childcare.

Sigh. I don't have to worry about that any more, as Jennifer now spends her time after school in sports, with friends or at the coffee shop where she hangs out. Now, she just wants the car keys as often as possible. But I still have friends raising young kids, and I wonder when the US is ever going to get on the ball and get it's act together and support the working moms (no, don't you dare tell me to just stay home if the kids are that important).

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